Journal "Herald of surgical gastroenterology"

For authors

For direction, reviewing and publication of manuscripts in journal “Herald of surgical gastroenterology”

1. General requirements

1.1. The work should contain an original researches, has not be published elsewhere earlier and is not currently under consideration by another journal. The text material must be presented as A4 format (type Times New Roman Cyr 14 items, 1,5 spaces) so as identical file at laser disk or e-mail attached file in Word format.

1.2. The size of a n original work should not be more than 15 pages of typewritten text, case reports – 5 pages, lections – 15 pages, literature review – 20 pages, reviewing, discussions, comments – 3 pages. The review articles should be limited in 50 references.

1.3. The manuscripts must have the direction of institute. Publication is free of charge.

1.4. A manuscripts should be directed to address:
129090, Moscow, Bolshaya Suharevskaya ploshchad, dom 3 NII skoroj pomoshchi im. N.V. Sklifosovskogo, to Ekaterina Vladimirovna Stepan, deputy of chief editor.

2. Peer review

2.1. All manuscripts are undergone to double blind reviewing. The editorial board reserves the right to abridge and edit the manuscripts.

2.2. The aim of reviewing of all materials (leading articles, original researches, reviews, lections, clinic and experimental cases, etc.) is the objective assessment of their content (aims, methods, results obtained and discussions) as modern condition of the problem.

2.3. The primary expert assessment is performed by Chief Editor or depute of Chief Editor. Chief Editor or depute of chief editor chooses the reviewers according to subject matter of the article – members of editorial council that supervised the corresponding direction (scientific discipline) or external readers. Reviewers (as members of editorial council as external readers) should be recognized specialists at reviewed article subject an had some publications on reviewed article subject.

2.4. Reviewers send the review to editorial board and it makes a decision: a) to publish the article; b) to decline the article because of reviewer or editorial members’ conclusion; c) necessity of revised version in according to remarks of reviewer or editorial members’.

2.5. The editorial board directs to authors of manuscripts submitted copies of review or substantiated refusal of publication. The editorial board undertakes to send copies of review to Ministry of education and science of Russian Federation if a corresponding request would be obtained.

2.6. Reviews and articles have been keeping in publishing house and editorial board at least 5 years.

2.7. The articles with positive review and acceptation to publication by editorial board decision are included to next journal issue.

3. Execution of publications

3.1. The manuscript structure
Title page includes (in Russian and English language):
– Author/authors’ family name and initials; the name of the department and the institute where the work was done (Family name of institute leader should not be mentioned)
– Key words (3 – 5)
– Annotation of the article no more than 200 words. It must consist of material and methods, results/main ideas of the work, conclusions and scientific newness.

3.2. Original article consists of the following parts:
1) Introduction
2) Materials and methods
3) Results
4) Discussion
5) Conclusion
6) References
The review should consist of literature analysis with author’s critical comprehension and include the modern works (for the last 5 years).
Clinic case should be well illustrated (to reveal the point of the problem) and presents the discussion of the problem using the literature data.
All magnitudes that occur in the article should be express in SI system of units.

3.3. Tables must have titles and clearly marked columns that convenient to read. The table data should be corresponded to text digits. No need to repeat all data from tables and figures in the text. Each table must appear on the separate page and type in 1.5 space.

3.4. References presented in the text must be placed in square brackets and their numbers must correspond to one in the list of literature according to an alphabetical order (works of native authors should be firstly enumerated and then the works of foreign authors should be enumerated).
The list of references should be presented on the separate page. The references presented in the text must be placed in square brackets. The references must be strictly enumerated in order to mention in the text. Author is responsible for providing the complete and accurate data in list of references.
Unpublished communications may not be included in the list of references.
The following information must be enclosed to article: family name, first name and patronymic name of all authors, their positions and place of employment; address, zip-code for correspondence, telephone, fax, e-mail of author who will contact to editorial board.



Zuev A.A. Title (complete). 5-th issue, revised and enlarged edition. M. Nauka, 1966, P. 99. Human teratology. Annual for doctors/ under ed. G.I. Lazuk. M. Medicine, 1991.


Natanov Ya.M. Title if the thesis: author’s abstract (or Thesis)… MD. M., 1958.


Nicolaides K.H. Screening for screening for fetal chromosomal abnormalities: need to change the rules // Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 1994. V. 4. P. 353–354.

If number of authors more than four state only three and then state “et al.”

Invention certificate (Patent)

Simonov Yu.M., Suvorov N.V. Title: IC 163514 USSR// BI. 1986. № 16, P. 44

Deposit manuscripts

Ivanov A.I. Title. M., 1984. 24 p. Dep. In VINITI 27.09,84, № 18391.

The editorial board has right to edit the manuscripts and change the style that has no influence on the article content. The editorial board can also require the initial data that be used to obtain results shown in the article. It might be necessary to reviewer for estimation of correspondence of initial data to article content.

3.5 Illustrations

The illustration should be presented in 2 copies as photo, figures, tables or as electronic version (format JPEG or TIF with resolution 300 pix/inch, and size no less than 6×9 cm) 1 Mb.